st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW Ini Kopuria, 1945
Saturday 06 June 2020
Ini Kopuria, Founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood, 1945

Holy Communion
2 Timothy 4.1-8
Psalm 71.7-16
Mark 12.38-end

Morning Prayer
Psalm 147
Joshua 6.1-20
Luke 10.17-24

Evening Prayer on the Eve of Trinity Sunday
Psalms 97, 98
Exodus 34.1-10
Mark 1.1-13

Additional Weekday Lectionary
At Evening Prayer the readings for the Eve of Trinity Sunday are used. At other services, the following readings are used
Ecclesiasticus 44.19-23 or Joshua 2.1-15
James 2.14-26